Let Love Be Your Guiding Light


1 Corinthians 16:14 (NIV) - "Let all that you do be done in love."


One thing about God’s Word is that it can offer powerful yet very humbling lessons; such as this one from 1 Corinthians 16:14

The Gospel of Jesus Christ, as we all know, can be summarised into one word - Love. 

Everything Chirst did, He did out of Love and for His love for us. 

And today through apostle Paul’s teaching, God passes that same teaching to us; that Love is and should be the compass by which we navigate all the complexities of life.

  1. Love as Your Motive:

Love is not merely an emotion; it is an action, a choice, a motive. When we approach our daily tasks, challenges, and interactions with love as our motive, our actions become a reflection of God's love. Every task, no matter how small or significant, takes on a new meaning and purpose when love is at its core.

  1. Love as Your Response:

In a world where we encounter disagreements, conflicts, and difficult situations, love can be our response. It's the force that bridges gaps, heals wounds, and fosters reconciliation. Choosing love in our interactions can transform relationships and bring unity where division once prevailed.

  1. Love as Your Legacy:

When we live out 1 Corinthians 16:14, we leave behind a legacy of love. Our lives become a testimony to God's love in action. Our love can inspire others to embrace the love of Christ and carry it forward in their own journeys.


Heavenly Father,

May love be our guiding light in all that we do. Fill our hearts with your boundless love, that it may overflow into our actions, relationships, and simply all that we do and engage in. Help us to choose love as our motive, response, and legacy, reflecting the love that You have lavished upon us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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