Who is ACR?


In today’s world, it goes without saying that there are numerous ways in which we can consume content and most importantly God’s Word. 

Whether it is the traditional way of listening to a sermon from your local pastor or simply watching a sermon online, God’s Word has never been more accessible than it is today. But even though the channels are endless and countless, it is easy for us to become too familiar with God’s Word and His Presence which can cause stagnation where our faith is concerned. 

What Is Alpha Christian Resources All About?

Alpha Christian Resources is a faith based platform and organization that aims to present God’s Word in an alternative and interesting way. 

Alpha Christian Resources exists to provide you with resources that offer hope, inspiration, and motivation that are biblically true, spiritually relevant, and life-giving in nature. 

Through these resources it is our hope that not only will we help you learn God’s Word in a new way, but that we will also be able to create and influence leaders who are inspired by this same truth. 

Our Mission: 

To help people enjoy everyday life through knowing God and His love by providing the necessary resources and tools that express God’s word and heart in new, dynamic, fresh ways that fuel ministry.

Some of these resources and tools include books, Bible Study guides, devotionals both online and offline, audio-visual resources and so much more. 

Feel free to browse our catalog and open yourself to a wide pool of tailor-made resources that will enrich your life and that of your community and loved ones as well. 

Our Vision: 

It is our hope and prayer to see every person experience and testify to the life-changing message of God’s love, nature, and kindness, and to share a message of hope, future and sanctity of life.

It is because of this and more that we invite you to also support and walk with us in this transformative journey, and you can do this by praying with us and for us, and of course, consider purchasing any of the resources available on the platform. 

Important to note is that over 20% of the profit is given to missions and missionaries we sponsor. Life Ministry, The Navigators Orality Missions, and Bible Translations are just but a few of these missions and ministries.


Consider this an official welcome to the Alpha Christian Resources Community and larger Family. We hope you find your time here inspirational even as we continue to enrich your spiritual life with all the resources on our platform. 

Be sure to also consider signing up for our mailing list so that you can always be in the know of any new exciting developments that will come up in the not so distant future. 

Follow us on our pages to stay updated: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Until then feel at home and enjoy Everything Christian for Less! 

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